Tripping Through Newport Underbelly
Kajagoogoo Squadron
A journey AcrossDownUnder-UnderPasses, subways and through some of Newport’s in between Zones – places still free of the ever present surveillance camera. Spaces often over-looked; ‘Negative Spaces’ that don’t invite lingering or loitering. Spaces that are moved through rather than stayed in. Spaces that are home for some, dumping grounds for others.
About Artist

Kajagoogoo Squadron
(paste text here) The nationwide draping of pandemia resulted in the perfect birthing conditions for a duo of fictitious cultural observationalists - Kajagoogoo Squadron. Comprised merely of General Panache and Nurse Apropos, Kajagoogoo Squadron introduced a deeper and more nuanced cultural critique at odds with the prevailing "Oh Babe, it's stunning!" commentary uttered almost universally throughout the Pandemic Years.
Kajagoogoo Squadron employ urban interventionalisms to routinely monitor Newport's artistic outputs. Their self-imposed activity remit also includes urban curationism, exoculinarianism, street art activism, filmmaking, friendmaking and the taking of numerous photographies. Their work has been exhibited on various accounts across the Instagramme platform and talked about fluidly in pubs and cafes in and around Newport.
Kajagoogoo Squadron look forward to Newport becoming City of Culture in 2025, if not before.