Sianel / 19 Tach 2021

More Than A Number Symposium

The More Than a Number symposium was held in person on the 1st of October, and invited curators and artists from Wales, the wider UK and Africa as its guest speakers. Centred around three themes: Representing Fearlessness, Zones of Contact and Radical Sociality; together these themes were a guide in exploring the critical discourse around exposure and representation, and how the work produced by photographers from Africa is situated and appraised. As cultural organisations in the West, it is our duty to be responsible in how we represent photography from Africa and through a much needed, honest and open discussion, our guest speakers; Mariama Attah, Giya Makondo-Wills, Anne Nwakalor, David Drake - and moderated by Cynthia MaiWa Sitei - engaged with the audience to exchange knowledge and share experience and challenges.